ROFL, LOL, WCW, MCM, WTM, confused about what we want to write exactly? It exactly seems like when you open your Snapchat and see acronyms like this on your wall. And you don’t know what it all means. Wonder What Does ISTG Mean On Snapchat? Let us tell you everything about ISTG.
The number of characters and words is limited for making public posts on social media. So, acronyms extend the margin to write more in fewer words. This also helps you to reduce the screen size. While some people just wanted to be a part of the trend. Whatever be the reason, internet slangs are quite useful for creatively expressing your thoughts.
What Does ISTG Mean On Snapchat?
Snapchat leads to a new way of communication because snaps are more than wordy texts. Out of the hundreds and thousands of internet slang, one of the most commonly flaunted on Snapchat as well as other social media is ISTG.
ISTG means ‘I Swear To God‘. This slang is trending like anything on Snapchat but it might be a little tricky to understand What Does ISTG Mean On Snapchat for the new users. Although abbreviated internet lingo has been around for a long time, probably from the days when Orkut was the only social hub, there were only a few words like LOL and HRU. Today, around 50% of the public posts include hashtags and acronyms. So, it is necessary to get yourself educated about these internet slang words.
ISTG which stands for ‘I Swear To God’, is often written for assuring what the sender is saying. It is a kind of guarantee that a sender is adding with the statement or information he/she has made or given. Say, if someone says “ISTG, you look beautiful”, this means that the person wants to show the seriousness of his words that she is very beautiful and he is not lying. Besides assurance, ISTG is also used for indicating harsh reality, surprise, or annoyance.
What Does ISTG Mean In Texting?
Snapchat is a real-time multimedia communication app that is a step ahead of classic messaging apps wherein one can just text or send audio messages. It lets you share short-lived live video messages which readily disappear once they’re seen. Snapchat is a camera that not only takes pictures but adds a little more fun with live stickers.
ISTG is not only used on Snapchat but also used in text messages and chatting with friends. When used in texting also, it means the same as that on Snapchat. So, if you are thinking that what does ISTG mean in texting is different from that used in Snapchat, you are mistaken. Be it is texting or Snapchatting, ISTG means the same i.e. ‘I Swear To God’. The phrase is not new, it has existed for years. People swear or take oaths to prove their innocence and justify that they are not lying. ISTG is just a short form of the phrase.
ISTG Meaning & Definition
The ISTG definition includes a short acronym for a phrase that reads as ‘I Swear To God’. This phrase is often used on social media while making public posts or in private chats. Going deeper into its meaning, ISTG sounds quite similar to OMG ‘Oh My God!’. ISTG and OMG can also be used interchangeably often. However, there is a thin line of difference between the two. Many people have even shortened this to S2G which means ‘Swear to God’. It should end with the exclamation mark for expressing strong feelings or emotions.
ISTG slang is used in situations where a person wants to express anger, annoyance, or want to emphasize a statement having a promise, excuse, or threat. Here we want to catch a reader’s attention that ISTG meaning OMG has nothing to do with any religion or religious belief.
ISTG Examples
There are numerous ISTG examples you may see on Snapchat and other social media platforms. A few common instances, we are illustrating here to give you a better idea about ISTG usage.
A child explaining to his Mother
ISTG I didn’t do anything wrong in school.
Here the child is explaining to her mother that he/she has done nothing wrong in the school. ISTG is used in a sense of assurance. The child wants to give assurance to her mother that he/she has not done anything inappropriate and hence writing ISTG.
A friend to another friend after telling his secret –
ISTG I won’t talk to you again if you tell anyone in our friends’ group.
Here the person is emphasizing not telling his secret to reveal his secret to any other friend otherwise he will not be going to talk with his friend. Here the friend in question is giving a threat to his friend for not telling his secret.
An angry man after a thief breaks into his house.
ISTG! I will not spare that furtive mugger who steals my valuables.
The person is showing the level of his anger toward the mugger that he won’t spare him once caught.
A lover proposing to his lady
ISTG! I love you to the moon and back.
Here the lover is damn serious about his love for his bae. He is trying to convince her how much he loves him and using ISTG he is showing the vastness of his affection toward her.
ISTG Usage
It was the 90s when acronyms started making their place on instant messaging platforms like Yahoo Messenger and Orkut. But only a few acronyms were popular at that time. Today, this messaging slang has evolved a lot and there are so many terminologies added and kept on adding.
These slangs or acronyms come from the one-liners that teenagers use frequently in their conversations. It is estimated that around the year 2000 ISTG-like acronyms came into trend and now Apps like Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter witness it every day.
Snapchat is more about expressing feelings than how one looks. It’s Easy! Simply open the Snapchat App and try out different funny looks mixing various combos of artwork & stickers. There’re emojis to celebrate every mood and occasion with many more funky features like speaking in a chipmunk’s voice, turning day, cutting stickers out of your friend’s gang, and a lot of fun things to do with Snapchat. Acronyms are part of this fun and ISTG is the most commonly used acronym here. We hope now you know well What Does ISTG Mean On Snapchat.
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