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Unusual Hacks and Tips – How to increase the number of Twitter Followers

Twitter is one of the most used social media platforms worldwide, with 465 million users. More than 71.2% of their global user base refer to themselves as male. With such a large number of users, it is easy to understand why Twitter is considered an essential social media platform. 

But how can you grow your audience? Here are some unusual hacks and tips that you might not have considered but can help.

How to increase the number of Twitter Followers

1. Share Original Content

Many brands and personalities on Twitter share content created by others. While this is the intention, original content is one of the best ways that you can attract attention to your own profile or brand. So while sharing is great, try to create unique content in your own brand’s voice.

2. Use Low Competition Hashtags

Be sure to use low competition hashtags with high or medium search volume. These hashtags are ones that others aren’t using. Many brands tend to stick to the same ones, but this approach can limit their reach. Low competition keywords will keep you at the top of the search results for longer.

3. Ask More People

One of the first things you should do is ask people you know to follow you on Twitter. Most people are scared to do this because they are fearful of rejection. However, those who know you are more likely to follow you than those that don’t. Of course, there is always the option to seek real followers, so you can buy 100 followers to help you get started.

4. Market your Twitter Account on Other Social Media

Typically brands don’t like to cross-market their profiles on other channels. But this is a mistake. In fact, 80% of sales tend to happen after the audience has had five to twelve interactions with the brand content. 


This can happen on numerous platforms, so getting those on Instagram and Facebook over to your Twitter account can help you grow on the microblog. That is why Instagram is a must-have social media platform for cross-promotion.

5. Publish at Irregular Timings

If your brand is publishing only during office hours, then you might be missing out on a lot of your audience. Social media engagement isn’t just during office hours. More users are engaged on the platform when they’re not at the office. 


Therefore, brands need to break free from this office-hours mentality and create schedules that can operate throughout the day. You might need to hire someone to manage Twitter accounts at these times.

6. Create Twitter Chains

Twitter chains are where two or more brands create a story through a series of tweets interconnected but posted on different channels. The tweets contain a link to the previous and the next brand in the chain.

The idea is that the audience visits the next brand in the Twitter chain and follows it to continue the story. It takes a lot of hard work to organize, but it can connect you to audiences that follow other brands. The more brands that engage in a chain, the larger the audience you can reach.

7. Guest Tweet

Another option is to use another audience by sending out guest tweets. You sponsor content by having your brand voice on their account, like how guest blogging works. This has become much more sustainable since Twitter increased the number of characters available for users two times. Some brands will charge for this, while others will do an exchange.

8. Videos

Sharing videos from YouTube and other channels is one way to compete for an audience on Twitter. Video has the most consumption on any social media channel, and experts expect that video will take up 50% of internet usage in the near future. 

You can use other channels like TikTok or YouTube to publish videos specially designed for your Twitter audience. Try to get at least one video on your feed every single day.

9. Automation

In addition to live tweets, which are tweets that you’ve written at the moment and published, you should try to automate some aspects of your Twitter publishing. Have a backlog of content that you can put into a scheduler to publish on rotation. With some technology, you can have a list of tweets randomly selected to go out at set times or unpredictable times over 24 hours a day.

10. Be Seasonal and Relevant

Seasonal promotions and messages can help audiences pay attention to what you’re saying. Consider creating content relevant to the latest news, alongside holidays that are coming up and trending topics. Use hashtags that are representative of these times.

11. Share Other Content

A mainstay of Twitter management is sharing content from others within your niche. This could be their latest blog post, news from their company, or even just a simple nice message they’ve published. By using the share button, you can add to the conversation by giving your two cents or offering your congratulations.

12. Be Controversial

One of the typical ways brands get large followings is when they’re controversial. If you share your opinions on important social issues, you can often find a following. However, there are concerns about being too controversial as it can cause you a significant loss of followers, like what happened with JK Rowling on Twitter with some of her infamous tweets.


13. Live Tweet

When there is a massive event, you might want to get on Twitter with the relevant hashtags and live commentary. You could even have a conversation live to get you noticed by potential customers, other brands, or journalists. 

Be sure to know the right hashtags and tag if other people are live-tweeting the event. You might also want to add videos and audio of key moments in the event.

14. Twitter Threads

Twitter threads are when you create a larger piece of content that will span more than one tweet. In each tweet, you indicate which position in the string of tweets it is. Readers can then view your feed and complete the content. Some people have tweeted an entire book on the platform. 

For example, Matt Stewart tweeted his book in 2009. The Big Green Bookshop tweeted the Harry Potter series. It took them 200 days to complete the task with 50 tweets a day. You don’t have to tweet books, but you can create long strings of tweets for blog posts.

15. Get Involved in Twitter Chats

Throughout the week, there are Twitter chats when there is an hour or two when people will tweet on a specific subject. For example, it could be a local networking group or an industry networking group. Getting involved in these chats can be a great way to meet new, relevant audiences for your channel.

16. Have a Specific Goal for Each Post

By having a good action goal, you can build meaningful engagements on your profile while at the same time growing more followers. Each post should have a specific goal in mind. Some goals might include:

  • An action you would like your audience to take after reading the tweet.
  • Provide them with specific information they can use.
  • Directing them to a landing page for a product, service, or lead magnet.

About the author


Shelly is an avid reader, and the love of reading takes her to content writing eventually. She loves writing on various topics.

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