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Fire Tv Stick Reboot Loop Issue {How To Fix} – 2022

The amazon firestick is a fantastic device that all web series and movie lovers adore. But, many a time, this Firestick could cause some issues that could be way too irritating and could come in your way of watching your favorite movies and shows.

This small piece of device turns your conventional TV into a smart TV and lets you stream shows and movies on various platforms like Netflix, amazon prime, and what not! But, sometimes, like all gadgets, this device too faces some technical glitches. One of them is that the Fire TV Stick keeps restarting. 

If you are facing this Fire TV stick reboot loop, this guide is for you, as I bring you some possible causes and solutions to this problem.

Fire TV Stick Reboot Loop – Possible Causes

If your Fire TV Stick keeps restarting, it is important to know the causes first before jumping on to the solution. This piece of technology brings in tons of new features to your old conventional TV. But, there could be a few loopholes due to which you might be facing this problem

Too many Apps installed

If your firestick is loaded with Apps, then consider removing the ones which are not in use, as downloading too many apps could result in a breakdown of this firestick.

Heating Issue

Like all other gadgets, this firestick can also react if there is some kind of heating issue with the device. The reasons for a heating issue can be way too many. The most common one to check out is if the TV is placed at a corner where the fire stick is not getting enough air, that is, the airflow is blocked, or there is too much sunlight in the room. 

Hardware Issue

If you are facing a Fire TV Stick Reboot loop, chances could be that one of the hardware is not responding and have stopped working. Consider checking them before hopping on to other possible solutions.

Incorrect Removing

Ejecting your device from the HDMI port incorrectly, that is just pulling it vigorously and forcefully can result in damaging it, which could in turn cause this error of reboot.

Now that we have looked at some causes, let us look at some ways to resolve this mighty problem of ours. If your Fire TV Stick keeps restarting, consider following these solutions to get rid of Fire TV Stick reboot look.

Fire TV Stick Reboot Loop – Possible Solutions

Solution 1: Replace USB Cable

If your fire TV Stick keeps restarting, try replacing your USB cable, as this wire can get worn out pretty easily, and as it is, they aren’t that long-lasting. These wires that connect your TV to the fire stick device can stop working, and due to that, you must be facing the Fire TV Stick reboot loop. If this doesn’t work, you can hop on to the various other solutions that I am going to be talking about.

Solution 2: Basic Troubleshooting

It’s always the best idea to begin with basic troubleshooting first, before hopping on to the more complex solutions. Follow this minor procedure, which works most of the time with a lot of users:

  1. Remove the stick from your Television
  2. Restart your Wi-Fi router and Television
  3. Insert the TV Stick back, and wait patiently for it to boot.
  4. When done, follow the basic operations to check if your problem has been resolved.

Solution 3: Always Use Genuine Accessories

Many a time, it could happen that you lose out on one of the hardware pieces. Most of us try to get the one that is not original because it costs us much less. What we don’t think about is that it can cost us much more than we think. Basically, using fake or non-genuine accessories could be the reason why your fire TV Stick keeps restarting. Consider spending some extra bucks and purchasing a genuine accessory.

Solution 4: Format Fire TV Stick

This could be one of the most effective ways of resolving this reboot issue. This option of factory reset removes all your data. This is beneficial because this issue could be due to a file that is corrupted and not working, because of which you could be facing this Fire TV Stick Reboot loop. 

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click on MY Fire TV
  3. From here, select Reset to Factory Defaults. 

Solution 5: Turn OFF HDMI CEC Device Control

The HDMI CEC Device control is basically a feature that lets you control your HDMI Devices. Now, since a Firestick is inserted into an HDMI port, this could be another solution to your problem.

If HDMI-CEC is turned on for your Fire TV Stick, turn it off, and you might get an effective solution to your problem.

  1. Go to Fire TV Settings
  2. Click on Display & Sound 
  3. Navigate to HDMI CEC Device Control, and Turn it off. 

Solution 6: Remove Too Many Applications

As mentioned above, if your Fire TV Stick keeps restarting, this could be because you have too many applications installed on your device that could be making the device slow, and you could be facing a Fire TV Stick reboot loop. 

To remove unwanted applications:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Scroll to App Uninstall, and Delete

Solution 7: Check Internet Speed

The Fire TV Stick runs on the internet. And many times, the internet connection would not be stable, due to which you might be facing a Fire TV Stick Reboot loop. For your information, amazon Firestick needs a good and stable internet connection to run and function. 

Solution 8: Clear Cache

Another method of solving this problem is to remove the cache from the applications that have been installed in the system. For this,

  1. Go to the Settings menu
  2. Find the Clear Cache option

Then clear all the cache of the applications and games installed in the Fire TV Stick.

Solution 9: Change Adapter

Just like the USB cable, there could be an issue with the adapter. Hence, consider replacing this adapter. But remember to invest in the original adapter, as buying a non-genuine one can make the problem worse.

Also, Fire TV Stick originally comes with a 1 Amp adapter, but you could also go for a slightly higher power, 2 Amp adapter to fix the issue.

Solution 10: Software Update

Lastly, this problem could also be coming because there could be an update that is lined up and needs to be installed but hasn’t been installed yet. In fact, software installs can solve many bugs and fix many issues and might fix this one too. If your TV prompts you to update the software, update it immediately for the smooth functioning of your TV.

A fire Tv stick is an easy and extremely useful device. However, minor problems like these could be quite bugging and irritating. I hope that I could provide you with a possible solution to your Fire TV Stick Reboot loop. If none of this works, and your Fire TV Stick keeps restarting again and again, try contacting amazon and getting your device repaired or replaced.

About the author

Srishti Marwah

A Journalist by degree and a writer by heart, writing is an emotion and a stress buster for me! As a writer, I'm on a mission to make reading more rejuvenating for all the readers out there! Crafting my thoughts and presenting them to the world is what I love the most!

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