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What Does MBD Mean in Texting?

Very naturally we all are familiar with the fact that our previous generation was not at all accustomed to the modern forms of conversation. Their conversations used to start and end formally, be it through letters or be it over the phone. But with the advancement of time, it has become increasingly important to cope up with fast-moving technology. 

The present generation is always on their nerves in this hectic schedule and therefore, prefers to express their emotions through emojis and abbreviations. Abbreviations have perhaps saved the day. Texting without abbreviations is merely impossible these days. Among many other abbreviations, MBD stands out to be one of the most familiar ones. Yet, many users do not know the answer to the query about what does MBD mean in texting

Hence, we are making an effort to help them out. In this article, we are going to discuss MBD meaning and what does MBD stand for.

What is MBD Meaning?

The most frequently browsed question on the internet about MBD is MBD meaning. So, what is the answer? MBD genuinely means ‘My bad dudes‘. It is not only an abbreviation but also an acronym. Here comes a new concept. Acronyms. But, what is an acronym? Primarily, abbreviations were solely used as a part of the sentence. But, with the evolution of time, they gained their recognition and then, some of the selected abbreviations came to be known as acronyms. Acronyms are abbreviations that possess meaning in themselves and do not need any supporting statement for their use. Acronyms can exist without the backup of a sentence. 

Now, ‘my bad dudes’ is a very common acronym, yet is not known to many users. Its existence was first noticed in the medieval age. But it could not hold its back then. Gradually, it got eroded under the heap of formalities. But now it has managed to make some popularity among the chat groups. 

What Does MBD Mean in Text?

It is quite natural that texting language is not what we speak of generally while talking. More specifically, we don’t use the formality in the text languages that we generally maintain while talking to someone. Knowing only the answer to the question of what does MBD mean will not do, you also need to know the answer to the question of what does MBD mean in texting. People are likely to use MBD to imply sarcasm. ‘My bad dudes’ is an apology to someone but in a sarcastic manner. The use of MBD is very prominent in Telegrams and WhatsApp.

But is it the only meaning of MBD? Probably not. MBD has several meanings out of which ‘my bad dudes’ is the more conventionally meant. Whenever someone types MBD, be pretty sure that they are apologizing to you sarcastically. Moreover, this abbreviation is used to make fun of the other person in one way. MBD is a way of making your opposite person realize that they are not worth your apology yet you are apologizing. 

MBD Definition

Now that you know what MBD mean in text, you must also know a bit of its definition. So, as we have mentioned on a previous note, the most commonly used meaning of MBD is ‘my bad dudes’. Now, where is ‘my bad dude’ used? It is used while chatting with someone you don’t owe an apology to and want to make them know that. 

It is a taunt hidden behind an apology. Many of the users might not be able to understand the taunt if they are not well acquainted with the MBD definition. Since it has been considered as an acronym, therefore, it is used as a separate phrase in a reply. Though it has been witnessed that the use of MBD in sentences is not yet outdated, people prone to use abbreviations are more likely to utter MBD without making use of any sentence. 

When to Use and When Not to Use MBD?

Knowing the correct use of abbreviations is crucial. Or else, it might go against your social reputation. There are some dos and don’ts regarding the use of MBD. Let us discuss them.

  • You can make use of MBD in informal talks. Informal talks must include chatting with friends, cousins, and colleagues.
  • Make sure that the other person is habituated with the use of abbreviations. Or else, using abbreviations like MBD can make them feel uncomfortable.
  • You can reply with ‘my bad dude’ when you intentionally want to make someone feel that you are apologizing even after you know that it’s not a mistake from your side. 
  • Don’t make use of such abbreviations in front of elders, professors, and bosses. It can hamper your social dignity.
  • Abbreviations are not to be used when grammars and spellings are a major factor of determination.


We hope that you are satisfied with our implications for MBD. We expect that you no longer have to browse for the meaning of MBD. Now that you know the answer to the query of what does MBD mean in text and what is MBD definition, you will not make a mistake.

About the author

Baishaly Roy

Baishaly is an experienced content creator and she writes articles in different niches. She has been enjoying her writing journey ever since she started putting her thoughts onto the paper and the web.

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