Understanding Facebook Algorithm helps you to push your posts up among the hundreds of posts in any group’s feed. All you just need to know is what does BUMP means on Facebook.
Mark Zuckerberg once in an interview when asked about Facebook’s Ad algorithm, made it very clear that more than paid advertisements, engagement, and quality content works. He further clarifies that the vision of Facebook is to increase user engagement and it can come in any way. It is not true that social media giant, Facebook, pushes up only paid Ads but it is all about the algorithm of Facebook where posts can travel from a small pool of audience to a larger pool. And it all depends only on what is good and engaging content.
In this compilation, we are explaining the meaning of BUMP on Facebook and also how to bump a Facebook post without commenting.
What Does Bump Means On Facebook?
BUMP stands for ‘Bring Up My Post‘. If you have ever seen people commenting the word ‘BUMP’ in the comments section of Facebook on any group post, they are creating a series of comments to increase the user engagement on that particular post. In this way, more people will see the post in their feeds.
You can comment ‘BUMP‘ to any post which you feel that others should also see. This can be used in any discussion thread. Besides ‘BUMP‘, you may also have seen words like ‘Refresh’ or a symbol ‘^’. These words work well to raise the engagement level of any post because Facebook tends to prioritize posts that have a high level. of engagement by the users.
‘BUMP‘ can be used to comment on posts that are created for a good cause. Say a video or message to create awareness or any political campaign. The more people comment on the post, the higher will be the user engagement and consequently the higher the chances of showing up the posts on others’ feeds. This happens usually when posts are created in Facebook groups. However, Bumping any post only pushes it to the top temporarily unless another post replaces it.
Facebook Update For News Feed Algorithm
As now you know, what does BUMP means on Facebook, it is also significant to educate yourself about the Facebook News Feed algorithm and how it works. Explaining its news feed ranking update, Facebook made it clear that the role of likes and comments on any post is very crucial to surface the older stories.
It explains that posts and stories which become older can reappear on users’ walls if there are frequent likes and comments. This means that even if the post is a year older, it can come back into the picture if someone likes it or comments on it.
We have some data and statistics to reveal in this regard (All the figures and data are taken from authenticated sources). Facebook has conducted a survey to test the implications of this update. It has been found that users do not scroll far enough to read 100% of the stories posted on the news feed. The reason is that a huge number of group members post stories regularly and the chances are very low to get lucky.
Hence, users can scroll only 57% of the posts on their feed. The remaining 43% remains unexplored. With this update, posts are now prioritized on various factors like engagement, comments, interactions, and replies. FYI, a similar algorithm is being followed by Instagram.
How Does Facebook News Feed Algorithm Work?
For a better understanding of the usage of the term BUMP, let us try to break into Facebook’s news feed algorithm. In any Facebook group, there could be hundreds of posts done every hour. With every new post, the previous post slips down the line. This way, whenever a new post comes into the loop, old posts go at the bottom of the news feed. How soon your post becomes old in a Facebook group depends on the popularity of the group and the frequency of the posts.
If a group is quite popular, there are chances that every day a huge number of people will create posts. Therefore to secure a top position for any post, it is important to keep commenting on it. Not necessarily ‘BUMP’ but anything can be written in the comment to keep it actively engaged for the users. However, BUMP is the word to encourage other users and an indirect message to them that keep commenting on the post to float on the top of the group’s news feed. BUMP is the word that eliminates the requirement of any random unrelatable comment and starts a thread of comments with a motive and message to others Bring Up My Post.
How To Use BUMP on Facebook?
Before we begin, make this clear that the idea of commenting on BUMP works only for Facebook groups and not for regular news feeds. Facebook classifies all the posts into 3 categories. ‘Top Posts’, ‘New Activity’, and ‘Recent Posts’. Posts on which the engagement level is the highest fall under the ‘Top Posts’ category. Then, posts on which new comments or likes are received will be put under the ‘New Activity. And ‘Recent Posts’ contains all the new posts.
So, you see there are good chances that you may push your post up in the ‘New Activity’ by bringing more comments and likes. The post will keep climbing up, to reach the top, if comments will keep coming. BUMP is a nice word that can be commented on any type of post with the sole intention to rank it up.
If you want to BUMP your post on the Facebook Marketplace, commenting BUMP will not work. The method of optimizing a listing’s ranking is a bit different. To hang your listings on the top of the feed, simply relist your items. This is the only way to BUMP listings on Marketplace.
How To Bump A Facebook Post Without Commenting?
Yes, there are other alternatives also to bring up the post on the top of the feed loop. If the group admin or other group members have objections to repetitive commenting BUMP, there are other alternatives also. The creator of the post may ask the group admin to pin his post. The pinned post remains always at the top until the admin unpinned it. It has to be noted that only the admin can pin or unpin the post.
Usually, group admins pin only those posts that are instructive for the whole group. With hundreds of members in the group, an admin cannot give preference to every post. However, the decision is sole of the group admin.
All in all, Bumping on Facebook is a good idea to push up the ranking of any post that should be floating on the top of the news feed. To level up any post, you can comment BUMP in any of the Facebook group feeds. Some groups don’t mind while some groups restrict the number of times you can BUMP a post. However, excessive Bumping may lead to spamming activity.
Does Liking A Post Bump It?
Yes, to BUMP a Facebook post, commenting BUMP chain works magical but a simple like also pushes the ranking of the post at the top. If you make use of both comment and like options, the results will be faster and better. Your post ranking will rise faster.
Can Commenting BUMP On Facebook Be Seen As Rude?
Yes, there are instances when users can take the bumping of posts as rude. A Facebook group may have many members and if any user is commenting BUMP on his own post, he is throwing others’ posts down. This indicates a rude gesture on a public platform. This is the reason that some group admins strictly avoid bumping on any posts while some other admins set limitations on commenting.
Is There a Way To Bump Without Anyone Knowing?
When you comment BUMP repetitively on any Facebook group post, other members out of insecurity raise objections. Group admin may also not support such spamming activities. So, Facebook users often search for a way out to BUMP without anyone knowing. So, yeah the idea is to comment on the post and then delete the comment. When you comment on a post, its engagement will increase but when you delete it, nothing matters.
Can I Bump on Other Platforms?
Apart from Facebook, the popular social media platform is Instagram where paid promotion is now growing as a business. When it comes to the algorithm, not all social platforms work on the same mechanism. In fact, many of the pages on Facebook also do not follow this BUMP trend. However, it is a fact that comments and likes help the post or page to be visible to more users. Because all the social platforms including Instagram preferably give priority to the most engaging posts. However, nothing is officially proven in this regard.
Interesting article!
That’s a clever idea about commenting to bump it and then deleting your post. I would never have thought that could work.
Yeah, this is definitely a big change in the FB algorithm. For sure this will affect quite a lot businesses that are relying on Facebook marketing.