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How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Facebook Messenger?

Facebook is a fun place where you can share your pictures, updates, and much more with your friends. Its popularity grew only when people started to realize how easily it helps you connect with your friends. From updating statuses to pictures to chatting on messenger, staying in touch with your friends is an easy thing now, and all the credit for this goes to none other than Facebook.

Chatting and keeping in touch with friends on Facebook is quite interesting. However, many a time, we get a feeling that someone might be ignoring our messages on Facebook messenger. But are they really?

In this post, I will tell you how to know if someone is ignoring you on Facebook messenger so that you can act smartly and wisely next time.

How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Facebook Messenger on the App?

It happens quite a lot of times that you send a message repeatedly to someone; it even gets delivered. But, they don’t reply to your messages. When confronted, they often have an excuse like ‘oh, I had several tabs open on my system, so I never got to know you messaged, and eventually I missed your text.

But can it be true every time?

May or may not be!

Knowing if someone is ignoring you on Facebook messenger becomes essential if you are facing this problem repeatedly. I have had this issue with a few of my close friends. Thus, I thought to share this article with you so that you get to know if you are being ignored.

Have you been left on ‘Seen’?

If you have sent a message to someone on Facebook, and they have seen it and chosen to ignore you, it can be easily detected. If the message has been delivered, and they have read it but not replied, you can see their photo thumbnail right next to the message.

In this image, you can see how the user has read your message. Their Display Picture can be seen right next to the message; however, they have not replied.

So, the very first way is knowing that someone is ignoring you is by checking the message you sent is seen or not. If seen, the user’s profile image will be seen just next to the text you sent as you see in the above screenshot.

How To Tell If Someone Has Not Read Your Message, But Is Still Active On Messenger?

If you are texting your friend on Facebook messenger, and they have not read it, however, it is delivered, it will appear with a single tick in a greyish circle. When you click on the message, it shows delivered.

In this image, you can see that the message was delivered way back, as it shows a tick. Another thing to notice is ‘Active X Hours Ago.’ In the image, it can be seen that the user was active 2 hours ago but has not read the message. This is a clear indication that the friend is choosing to ignore your messages but is very well active on Facebook. 

Here, the user is a bit clever that he/she won’t open your message because it would be known to you that he/she has seen the message. So, they just don’t open the message so that you don’t feel that they read it. But, you can just look for the active status of that particular user, and you will sense that that person is choosing to ignore you silently. As you can see in the above screenshot, the message I sent one day ago is delivered but not seen by him, but, he has been active a few hours ago today. That clearly gives me the idea that he is choosing to ignore me.

How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You On Facebook Messenger On PC?

Just like the mobile app, you can check if someone is ignoring you on a PC, too. If you can see the photo thumbnail of the friend next to the text, it means they have read your message but have not replied and chosen to ignore the message.

What Does It Mean If The Message Just Shows ‘Sent’?

If a plain simple tick shows on the message you just sent and keeps showing for days and days, this simply means that the text is in the ‘message requests’ section of Facebook messenger.

sent message bt not delivered

If the other user, opens his message request folder, and sees your message, then you will see a Solid tick on which if you mouse over, it will show. “delivered“. In the above screenshot, the tick shows that it is sent. but, the in the screenshot below, you can see the solid tick which means it is delivered. You can just mouse over on the tick to know the status.

To access, Message Request folder, the user needs to go to his Facebook Profile, click on the Messenger Icon >> Three Dot menu >> Message requests as you can see in the screenshot below:

How To Tell If Someone Is Ignoring You on Facebook Messenger Through Their Active Status

Most people have their active statuses on their Facebook messenger. This basically tells if your friend is active on messenger or when they were active on Facebook messenger. If you had sent a message a while back, and their active status shows you that they were online just recently, this means that they have just ignored your messages. 

Mute Feature – The Tool Which Helps You Ignore Messages

Facebook is a great platform to connect with friends, and it also allows people to mute others on Facebook messenger. This tool, when enabled against a friend, ignores their messages. Basically, the whole idea is that, when enabled, it does not provide the notification of the messages which are being sent by the Facebook friend you have just muted. 

There could also be a possible chance that your Facebook friend has muted your conversation. However, there is no way you can get to know that.

When you mute someone on Facebook Messenger, you receive messages from them but when messages arrive in your inbox, you don’t get any notification. You can see those messages when you open the inbox.

In a nutshell,

These are just a few ways how to tell if someone is ignoring you on Facebook messenger. This situation occurs quite often and being a little vigilant and curious about their last seen and active status can very well tell you if your Facebook Friends are ignoring you.

About the author

Atish Ranjan

Atish Ranjan is an established and independent voice dedicated to providing you with unique, well-researched and original information from the field of technology, SEO, social media, and blogging. He has in-depth knowledge of computers and tech as he pursued computer science.

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