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The 5 Best Reasons to Buy an Electronic Drum Set

Technology has revolutionized the music industry in many different ways. The introduction of the amplifier, for example, coincided with the development of electric instruments to pump up the volume for all players. Now, drummers around the world choose electronic drum sets over traditional kits. 

You can search for websites to buy all top brands, but in the meantime, we’re here to tell you the 5 best reasons why you should make the investment today.

1. Sound Variety

Though you don’t normally see them at a rock show, electronic drum kits can produce sounds that an acoustic set cannot. The technology within these kits allows you to adjust pitch, reverb and delay with a push of a button. You can even pull sounds from different kits to achieve your unique drum set for less money.

In addition, many modules allow you to upload sample tracks onto your kit. This means you’re able to play by hand over the sampled beat. This allows drummers to experiment in genres they wouldn’t normally consider.

2. Quiet Practice Time

Drummers are meant to hit their instruments with wooden sticks. Though they’re fun to play, the neighbors don’t often appreciate the soothing sounds of your daily practice routine. Unfortunately, acoustic drums offer no sort of volume control in themselves, unless you practice in a soundproof room.

Electronic drum kits, on the other hand, give you volume options. You can even opt for headphones if you want to try your new solo or practice a new genre without anyone hearing you! They’re also easier on your ears when you play, and they’ll help improve your relationship with the tenants below you.

3. Recording is Easy

Electronic drum kit modules make it easy to record your drum tracks. You may hook your set up to your computer through USB or MIDI connections, or just use the module built into the set itself. Using this technology is easier than traditional recording, and it will preserve the high-quality audio from your set.

Recording yourself is also a great way to practice your music. Playing it back ensures you’re “in time,” or in accordance with the tempo of a song. This way, you can adjust your playing speed and identify tricky spots in your playing.

4. Easy Access Training Exercises

Practice is essential for a drummer of any skill level. Depending on the drum kit you buy, you can have access to a variety of practice tools and exercises. These are fun and simple ways to hone your technical skills and get to know your set.

Your module may include the following practice features:

  • Training modes: These modes will test your rhythm, tempo, and control. Some will even help you read music notation and use soft and loud dynamics.
  • A metronome: The metronome is probably the most important tool a drummer should have, and you can have them built into your module. These tools play a clicking noise on the beat to help you keep in time to the music. 
  • Play-along songs: Another pro to the recording feature is the ability to play over pre-existing songs to practice. This usually includes songs of many genres to teach drummers all the fundamentals.

5. Portability

If you’re a traveling band and play gigs at bars and music venues, lugging around an acoustic drum set up is difficult. It’s bulky, pieces can get broken, and you need a vehicle big enough, to begin with.

Enter the electronic drum kit: light, portable, and can fit in an average-sized car! There are no huge kick drums in these sets, and the rest of the kit is flattened out into pads rather than large drums. If you intend to play gigs or head out on the road with a tour, then definitely consider getting an electronic set, even if you play with an acoustic set up most of the time. Lots of bands end up having to buy a van for all their equipment, but you can lighten the load somewhat this way.

Bottom Line

Choosing an electronic drum kit has many benefits – it’s a choice that will open the door to new ideas and simplify your practice sessions. 

Though good technology can be somewhat pricey, compare it to the price of mixing and matching drums in your set, as well as changing out the heads often. You will find that the affordable price, in addition to the other positives on this list, makes electronic drum kits a viable choice for any musician.

About the author


Shelly is an avid reader, and the love of reading takes her to content writing eventually. She loves writing on various topics.

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