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What Does WTM Mean On Snapchat? (Meanings & Usage)

“WTM” Means “What’s the Matter” on Snapchat! Let’s learn more about its usage and examples.

The virtual world of social media has its slang language and Snapchat is no exception. Snapchat is quite a popular social platform for its funny and funky face filters. Not every Snapchat user is well acquainted with these slang words. WTM is one such slang that you might have commonly seen trending on Snapchat. If you are also here scratching your head as to what WTM means on Snapchat, we are happy to help.

In the current tech scenario of the world, where any breaking news comes first on social media and later in newspapers, it is necessary to be a part of social media not just as a pastime but to stay updated with the latest happenings around the world. And so you should also know the acronyms often used by Snapchat.

What Does WTM Mean On Snapchat?

Slangs like LOL, TTYL, and TC, are quite older now that everyone knows what they mean. But the slang dictionary of Snapchat keeps on adding newer acronyms every day. One such acronym is WTM. Depending on the context of the conversation, it means the following.

WTM Means What’s The Move

WTM is most commonly referred to as What’s The Move. This internet slang is used when you are planning an event or hanging out with friends and asking about the next plan or move. So, if in a friend’s group, someone’s birthday is there and you are texting WTM, It means that you are asking what is planned for the party or hanging out. WTM can be replied to all such things where you want to ask what is the next step or plan or move. Usually, this is used in unfavorable situations like when something unexpected happens or a plan fails, so WTM is the perfect slang which means What’s the Move Now. In other words, it also gives a thought let the past go and focus on the future which is quite positive and motivating.

What Does WTM mean on Snapchat

Examples of WTM Means What’s The Move:

  • Are we meeting today? WTM
  • WTM, post the time and venue of the party.
  • Just throwing ideas on gang up, WTM?
  • WTM girls, I’m ready!

WTM Means What’s The Matter

Another widely understood meaning of WTM is What’s The Matter. Although it is a question, there is no need to add a question mark with WTM. The acronym means that it is a question. However to put more emphasis, one may add a question mark. Its meaning remains the same. This is used for any kind of inquiry or asking what happened or what is going on. For example, if in any conversation with your friend on Snapchat, your friend sounds sad or upset, you may text WTM which will be understood as What’s The Matter.

WTM can not be texted to everyone. You can text WTM to the one who is very near and dear to you. Asking everyone WTM may sound nosy and interfering in others’ matters. However, if someone is relying on you and is willing to tell you, you can ask to console WTM.

Examples of WTM Means What’s The Matter:

  • You seemed lost last night, WTM?
  • What’s going on, tell me WTM
  • Now WTM, Is everything alright?
  • You look sad, WTM.

WTM Means Whatever That Means

There is one more meaning to the acronym WTM i.e. Whatever That Means. This is used in a sarcastic way which means whatever the text sender means or when you do not like any statement of your friend. To show your disagreement also, you may text WTM. This meaning of WTM sounds weird and rude. So, this is perfect slang for people who want to show some harsh side of them in anger or ego, WTM is the right word. For a better explanation, take some examples given below.

Examples of WTM Means Whatever That Means:

  • He said he won’t tell anyone else. WTM.
  • The purchase amount is affordable. WTM.
  • She said she looks like an angel. Ah, WTM.
  • She looked at him shyly. WTM!

What Does WTM Mean On Text

It is not that acronyms are used only for internet slang. Abbreviations are not new, they existed before Snapchat came into our lives. Abbreviations are used also for other globally places like WTM means the following apart from Snapchat slang.

  • WTM refers to World Travel Market which is a tourism exhibition based in London. It is held every year to provide exposure to the travel and tourism industry globally.
  • In the computer sciences and technology world, engineers mean Windows Task Manager from WTM.
  • In the business community, businessmen refer to WTM as Winner Takes Most. It is the strategy where one single company can not reap all the money in the market but multiple businesses make most of the money.
  • Another area where WTM can be used is by software engineers. WTM refers to Web Traffic Monitor which is a system that keeps a record of traffic data on any website on the world wide web.
  • WTM is also relevant to the music industry where it means Write Tape Mark. Musicians and composers use this term as a process of recording data on the tape.

What Does WTM Mean In Slang

Internet slang is a new sensation that a lot of people are unaware of. It is growing so speedily that every day you wake up and see a new slang text on your mobile screen. And it is no surprise! WTM is one such slang that is flaunted like forest fire nowadays on all social platforms. In slang also it means the same as it means on Snapchat. As already mentioned above, WTM means What’s The Move, What’s The Matter, and Whatever That Mean.

WTM is one of the rare slang words that have multiple meanings. Usually, not all slangs have multiple meanings on Snapchat. WTM is a slang word that can be used with three different meanings. Readers will interpret its meaning according to the context. A person who is writing WTM will not of course elaborate on the context because the purpose is to write in short. So, interpretation will be extracted by the readers themselves.


Slangs and acronyms make texting and chatting easy and quick. It is a kind of language trick used by paparazzi to record news in a jiffy. WTM is not the only word but there are many such slang words that you may come across every day while scrolling on Snapchat. In this article we try to compile all the useful information and meaning of WTM, hope it helps.

About the author

Atish Ranjan

Atish Ranjan is an established and independent voice dedicated to providing you with unique, well-researched and original information from the field of technology, SEO, social media, and blogging. He has in-depth knowledge of computers and tech as he pursued computer science.

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