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How To Outsource Software Development Projects Without Sacrificing Quality?

Many modern companies are outsourcing software development projects to reduce workloads for in-house IT teams. However, several of these businesses are dealing with one major issue when outsourcing: poor quality. Several business owners outsource development only to receive sub-par programming and low-functioning enterprise applications. As a business owner, you do not want to sacrifice quality when hiring third-party vendors to develop your applications. You want to improve your programs while also creating more space for your IT team to solve urgent tech issues. Achieve this outcome by reading this post on how to outsource software development projects without sacrificing quality. 

Find A Skilled Outsourcing Partner

To begin outsourcing software development projects without sacrificing quality, find a skilled outsourcing partner. The ideal outsourced developer has basic tech skills that allow them to maintain a high level of quality throughout various projects. These technology skills typically include software development security skills, computer programming language skills and full-stack development expertise. To ensure that your developer is qualified enough to produce quality work, test them on these basic skills before hiring. It is also good to connect with a developer that is recommended when outsourcing your app development and has the experience in terms of the quality and service. The best method is to hold a thorough assessment that includes questions about each of these skills. Then, you can outsource software development without sacrificing quality.

Clearly Define Development Expectations

In order to outsource software development without sacrificing quality, you also need to define development expectations clearly. This step is particularly crucial because ideas of high quality differ from company to company. If you want your developer to meet your standards, you need to express them clearly. One of the main factors to highlight is your preferred development platform. Some companies prefer utility platforms because they are typically free. However, others only use computing platforms because of their build optimization capabilities. For instance, by using a Docker registry for development, you can containerize your images and data in the cloud. Outline your platform requirements in your list of expectations. That way, you can outsource software development and maintain a high level of quality.

Write A Feature-Based Contract

Additionally, write a feature-based contract to outsource software development without sacrificing quality. Instead of developing a contract based on time requirements, focus on the features that will make your application high-quality. That way, your outsourced partner will be more concerned with meeting your expectations than they will be on hitting a deadline. In your contract, include specific software components that your team needs to improve their current processes. You can write down messaging features, time management tools and even document storage essentials. Get as specific as possible in your feature-based contract to avoid sacrificing quality when outsourcing software development.

Establish Collaboration Guidelines

Another crucial step to take to outsource software development without sacrificing quality is to establish collaboration guidelines. When business owners and outsourced developers do not communicate about projects often, the result rarely meets quality expectations. Ask your developer how they prefer to communicate and collaborate on projects. You can suggest scheduling weekly meetings over the phone to stay in touch. Many business owners collaborate with developers via email as well. Consider also holding a conference call that involves not only you and your outsourced developer, but also your IT team. That way, you can all stay on the same page and make suggestions to improve quality. Collaboration is key to outsource software development without sacrificing quality. 

Require A Maintenance Plan

Finally, a maintenance plan is essential to outsource software development without sacrificing quality. You want to maintain a high level of quality even after your outsourced partner finishes their job. The best way to achieve this is through a maintenance plan. Ask your developer to create a plan that includes a list of maintenance procedures such as updating features and backing up data. Request that they also include a list of potential problems that could occur and solutions for each one. With a comprehensive maintenance plan, you can keep your system’s quality levels up to par after outsourcing software development. 

If you want to reduce the workload for your in-house IT team, consider outsourcing software development. To do so without sacrificing quality, ensure that you find a skilled developer to hire by holding detailed assessments. Clearly define development expectations to accurately portray your standards as well. Moreover, write a feature-based contract instead of a time-based one so your developer focuses on quality. You must also establish collaboration guidelines so you can continuously provide feedback and guarantee high-quality applications. Furthermore, require your developer to create a maintenance plan for your team to follow post-implementation. Follow these steps to outsource a software development team without sacrificing quality. 

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  • Undoubtedly, web development is not an easy task when it come to digital marketing ting as it is not only a service but a goal within the marketing phase. Without website, traffic is impossible and cant be reached to the actual marketing place. This article encompasses all of the utility of Web development and how it is the base for driving traffic.

  • Yes, finding a right and good quality outsourcer is a good suggestion. Since we are dealing with outsourcing software development projects, we need to see that the outsourcing team we have is an expert in their field. As a CEO of a software development company, I believe this is something I should practice, outsourcing, it’s not just because I need to but because I want to, for my company and employee.

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