Home » Paul Kane, A Man who has the Key to Boot up the Web
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Paul Kane, A Man who has the Key to Boot up the Web

You might raise your eyebrows, if I tell a tech fact. Yes, seven individuals spread in the world with the secret key and if those keys get combined, they’ll get a master key which has the power to reset the internet. Do you doubt with this tech surprise? This is not a scene in an upcoming novel but a real tech stuff to handle any cyber security crisis. Let me tell you some more details about this trendy tech matter and through this post you can meet one of the most powerful men who have a key to shut down the internet.

Paul Kane – Master Key holder to restart the web

Paul Kane, a business person who is chief executive of CommunityDNS, British Technology firm, holds one of the 7 keys that have ability of rebooting the internet when a terrorist attack or any terrible event on the web. He is the father of two young sons who lives in Bath, Somerset. Last year, a prestigious Institute of Engineering and technology (IET) Ambrose Fleming medal was awarded for his creative contribution in computer networking field during the last 25 years.

Paul Kane

In the year 2010, he was selected for five-year role to handle the websites using high-tech cryptographic keys and issued with a key to restart the web. He kept his secret key at a secured location in England and now he had allowed cameras in his office for some reasons.  Actually, he can’t shut down the entire internet but he organizes the control at the heart of the web.  

Smart swipe cards to reboot web security systems

Totally there are seven mythical key masters across the globe having the secret keys and at least 5 of those should get joined to regenerate a new key to reset the World Wide Web. Actually, the secret keys are swipe cards with a fragment of security code. In case of any major disaster, Paul and other key holders would meet in a secure location in United Sates and use their swipe cards (credit card style keys) to reboot the security system of internet. These 7 individuals have 14 child keys which are refreshed once in 6 months to keep the data up-to-date. Once in a year, these key holders must send the special secret phrase with the picture of their smart card to DNSSEC so as to make sure that they haven’t lost their key card.  

Final words

Even though professional hackers and cyber terrorists are high tech experts, certain security systems cannot be defeated by them as they’ve created and upholding by innovative authorities. Paul Kane and other key masters are such specialists and part of an organization called ICANN (Internet Corporation for assigned names and numbers). Everyone keeps a metal key for a safety box which contains a smartcard to active a machine in order to generate new controlling key to defend the web under critical circumstances. 

Paul Kane holds a master key to unlock the web if it is brought down by extremists or cyber criminals. He and other selected experts would fly to a secret place and use their furtive keys to protect the internet security system. He is in UK and other key holders are from the countries like Burkina Faso, Trinidad and Tobago, US, China, Canada and the Czech Republic but their identities are kept secret forever. 

I hope you’ve well engaged with this tech news and let me know your valuable insights through comment.  

About the author

Atish Ranjan

Atish Ranjan is an established and independent voice dedicated to providing you with unique, well-researched and original information from the field of technology, SEO, social media, and blogging. He has in-depth knowledge of computers and tech as he pursued computer science.


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  • I am surprising with the technology improvements and it is really stunning to read about the man, Paul Kane.

    Seriously, they might have innovative tech skills and so they have been issued keys to restart the web.

    I don’t know this tech matter before and didn’t read this trendy news anywhere.

    Many thanks for sharing the web security news Atish 🙂

  • HI Atish,

    Awesome news indeed 🙂

    I’d never heard of Paul earlier than now and I think all that you mentioned here was an eye-opener indeed. To imagine a single person having such powers, of course along with the help of the others, they can surely do a great deal.

    I agree that such actions might be required in real time, especially when they have to catch cyber criminals, extremists, and other such problems. Coming to think of it, all this is essential to reduce the crime rate when it occurs.

    Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

  • Hi Atish,
    Nice to be here again.\
    I am here again via Harleena Singh’s note at G+
    Thanks for this valuable information about Paul Kane and his activities and the valuable keys he and others holds!!
    Ranjan today also I faced the same problem with the share buttons placed at the side, as said earlier i am sending few screenshots for your checking.
    Pl. fix it soon

  • Hello Atish, this is very surprising and sounds like a movie or fiction. Title itself was so catchy that I read complete article without even looking elsewhere. As you saying its real then its a good thing to know about the internet through which we all are connected and its a basic need of all of us. I instantly shared this article as it was totally worth. 🙂

  • Hello Atish,

    This is really surprised me? Paul Kane is a very power full man on a earth and rest of key holder also.I have a one question that were this technology discover ?

  • HI Atish!
    I will never hear about this person before but know here i came to know about who is Paul Kane. This is really an surprising post for all of use and its title is also eye catchy, so thats why i click on it and read whole post. You done a great job brother, keep sharing such an amazing ideas.

  • This is second time I am reading about Mr. Paul Kane.
    First time, I came across his profile while I was doing a case study about internet security.
    And second time is here.

    And here I got to know more about Mr. Paul Kane.Really wondering on his power.
    Thanks Bhai for introducing him to us so closely.

  • Hi Atish,
    The thanks for sharing valuable and stunning information.
    It sounds like a Fellowship of the Ring for the internet age – a carefully chosen alliance of technology warriors, safeguarding a mythical key that could one day shut down the internet. 🙂

  • First of all thanks for sharing valuable information and I am glad because you wrote article about security but still I don’t know what is PAUL KANE !!!!

  • Hi Atish Brother,

    Really my eyebrows raised. Very much pleased to read such a great article. Paul Kane is awesome guy.

    Paul Kane would change the world to any thing. Surely an impressive article. I came to know about this guy now. Thanks for sharing such amazing article Atish brother.

  • Nice issue Atish
    This is totally new for me and really interesting to know about Paul Kane and Internet key.
    thanks for your valuable information.


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