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All You Need To Know About Microservices

Microservices are quite popular in the IT sphere today, that’s why you should know how it works to create a perfect web portal for your business. In this article, we are going to discuss microservices advantages and disadvantages. However, first of all, you need to understand that microservice architecture is a variant of software architecture based on microservices and their interaction. In other words, these services are small, loosely coupled modules that can be easily modified.

The main principle of the architecture is to create an application in which the components of its business logic are divided into small services that can be deployed and used independently of each other. Such an architecture allows teams to optimize the issuance of releases.

How Does Microservice Architecture Work?

Let’s consider the microservice architecture using the example of software development for e-commerce. We can distinguish certain components:

  • The user authentication system,
  • The shopping cart with selected products,
  • The billing system for paying for them.

When developing such a system using a microservice architecture, a separate microservice will be responsible for each area.  That’s why it’s very important to choose a perfect microservices development service, such as Digiteum. It’s clear that for each microservice, for example, the development of a shopping cart, there is a separate developer or team, if the company is large enough.

Release schedules and deployment plans will be prescribed for the basket. The shopping cart will be an independent software unit that can be completely rewritten if desired without affecting other microservices. Also, when developing the cart, it will be possible to use a stack of technologies different from the stack of other microservices of the platform.

Advantages of Microservices

There’s no doubt that microservices have a lot of advantages. Here we are going to mention all of them. 

First, it’s modularity. Separate parts of the application are responsible for specific operations. However, except for this one we can see such advantages as: 

  • Reliability;
  • Removability;
  • Testability;
  • Scalability.

When one of the microservices fails, only those functions for which it is responsible are disrupted. It will not be able to damage the program completely.

You can change the microservice independently of other system services.

In addition, you can add or remove a module at any time. If the microservice reaches its maximum load, new instances of the service can be deployed in a neighboring cluster.

New features can be tested immediately in production. It is enough to implement them for some user segments to check how they will work.

Moreover, teams working with microservices can work independently of other teams. This allows you to implement and deliver new features faster.

More attention to quality is one more advantage. Each microservice is responsible for specific business tasks. Teams working on microservices strive to give a better result, because they understand that at this stage it depends only on them.

Therefore, microservices describe ways of designing applications in the form of a set of independently deployed services, which are characterized by the organization of services around business needs, automatic deployment, transfer of logic from the message bus to receivers, and decentralized control over languages ​​and data. 

In addition to being able to deploy and scale independently, each service also gets a clear physical boundary that allows different services to be written in different programming languages. Microservices architectures use libraries, but their main way of breaking up an application is by dividing it into services.

Disadvantages of Microservices

Growth of infrastructure costs

With each microservice, costs also increase: for a test suite, deployment instructions, hosting infrastructure, monitoring tools, etc.

An additional level of communication

Another layer of communication between the teams working on the microservices architecture is needed to effectively coordinate updates and interfaces.  This leads to additional organizational costs.

The development environment is becoming more complex

 The fact that the project is divided into many microservices creates another problem: the difficulty of replicating the distributed architecture when setting up local development.

Which Programming Language is Suitable?

Although a microservice architecture allows different technologies to be used in each microservice, a more efficient solution would be a standardized stack for the entire application.  Now let’s analyze which technologies are suitable for microservice architecture: Java, Node.js, Python, Go, C#.

Today, the process of designing, developing and operating software has evolved significantly compared to previous decades and is characterized by a significant complication of requirements due to the growing complexity of business processes and the growing amount of data in computer systems. Requirements for modern software systems are not only requirements for functionality, but also requirements for productivity, reliability and efficiency of solutions. Based on this, the choice of implementation architecture plays a large role in meeting the requirements for software systems, as it largely affects algorithmic and mathematical decisions in the development process.

Microservices architectures use libraries, but their main way of breaking up an application is by dividing it into services. In turn, services are components that are executed in a separate process and interact with each other through web requests or remote procedure calls (RPS), and also contain many processes that are always developed and deployed in parallel.

Applications built using microservices architecture contain their own domain logic. The principle of their operation consists of receiving a request, applying logic and sending a response.  Instead of complex protocols like WS or BPEL, they use simple REST protocols.

Based on the above, microservices should be considered as a priority architectural solution in the development of modern computing systems.  However, there is a need to develop algorithmic, mathematical, and software tools to facilitate the use of the microservice approach in real-world solutions.

Hence, as you can see, a well-designed web portal can bring success to your business. It is extremely important to take care of the choice of the developer of your portal. Many business leaders choose services like Digiteum because their team knows exactly how to work successfully in this direction. You can definitely be successful if you work with professionals and respect your clients and partners.

About the author

Atish Ranjan

Atish Ranjan is an established and independent voice dedicated to providing you with unique, well-researched and original information from the field of technology, SEO, social media, and blogging. He has in-depth knowledge of computers and tech as he pursued computer science.

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