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How Can Ad Intelligence Help You In Improving Your Performance?

If you are someone dealing with ad revenue and want to go all out with your ad campaigns, nothing can be as great as checking out the concept of ad intelligence. In fact, ad intelligence is perhaps something that you can not ignore. Believe us, as part of our personal experience, whereon we have been able to scale up our performance against the competitors when compared to the traditional methods. 

What is Digital Ad Intelligence?

Ad intelligence is a concept that lets you have a clear and better understanding of your competitors. The concept of ad intelligence assists you in gaining access to real-time insights that are actionable enough. It is software that scrapes and tracks the advertising activities followed by your competitors and assists you in gaining real-time info on the ad money they spend and which modes or means bring more traffic and thereby more earning. 

Photo Source: Brightdata.com

Using a digital ad intelligence agency or service can go a long way in helping you an ability to conduct real-time ad intelligence reviews of your competitors. It is a virtual binocular that you can put to great use through which you can check where and how your competitors spend money on advertising. 

Why Opt for a Digital Ad Intelligence Software?

A valid question. But, being someone from an industry where we need to constantly be checking out where our competitors are heading, we do understand the essence of a digital ad intelligence agency and why it is a must. 

Of course, you can do it manually in some cases, but give it a thought – as per research by Demo, there is a huge amount of data being generated to the tune of  2.5 quintillion bytes of data, and a majority of this is what deals with advertising. That is where you would need to go with the digital ad agency. 

The digital ad agency can act as a super spy or the marketing world at large. The agency helps you track where your competitors are buying ads and how much they are spending. The software also lets you find the timing of their placements. If you are looking to follow what we did, you can even pinpoint the specific ads that offer a better ROI. 

What Are the Benefits of Digital Ad Intelligence Services?

Opting for digital ad intelligence services can go a long way in helping you in terms of effective benefits. We opted for the best ad intelligence services in its genre, and you would indeed find how it benefitted us overall. 

It can provide you a competitive intelligence. 

The competitive intelligence that you stand to gain with the ad intelligence can prove to be a great way to help you beat the competitors in their own game. Spying on your competitor is definitely great fun, and it would go a long way in creating a benchmark for your own campaign. By finding the spends and the exact ads that your competitor is spending, you will have a better idea into a clearer measuring for your own marketing efforts. 

You can make use of the market share, growth trends, and rank trends of your competitors and thereby improve your own ad strategy. This can go a long way in achieving a more aggressive campaign for your ads. 

It should be a perfect choice to fine-tune your digital marketing strategies 

In addition to providing you an option to spy on your competitors and their campaigns, an ad intelligence campaign can also help improve your own optimization options. The techniques involved in ad intelligence can assist you in peeping into your own campaign. 

The proper use of ad intelligence services can be helpful for you in understanding the costs and results of each of your ad buys. You can consider having a big picture of your campaigns or decide to go through the individual ads and find how effective they can be in the long run. 

It helps you boost the advertising performance 

The ad intelligence software and services can be helpful in understanding which brands have been investing in a specific ad campaign. The insights that you stand to gain from ad intelligence marketing can be helpful in fine-tuning your online advertising performance. 

The ad intelligence assists you in understanding all the promotions, extensions, and other ad contacts for each of the product categories. These specific insights can be helpful in taking the proper decisions and taking the right calls for adding the right promotions. 

It can also be a good option for missed ad opportunities 

The ad intelligence techniques can be helpful in even checking out the missed ad opportunities and then capitalizing on them. The advertising intelligence that you stand to gain access to would include how to advertise best on Google, Bing, and other marketplaces. 

You can also get an insight into the pricing, promotions, and availability of the networks. This can go a long way in helping you achieve great insight into increasing your sales. Ad intelligence can be helpful in comparing the effectiveness or presence of the best brand across the marketplaces. 

It also covers all the ad formats and marketplaces

Ad intelligence comes with plenty of options for checking out the SERP ad formats and marketplaces. You can check out the organic, competitive paid search, google shopping ads, local ads, and display advertising. 

You can also check out the advertising intelligence options such as Google, Amazon, Walmart, and others, including organic listings, sponsored display ads, editorial recommendations, and special programs like Amazon Prime and Walmart Plus. 

Before We go… 

By choosing a quality ad intelligence option, you would be able to achieve a better experience in creating or improving your advertising strategy more effectively and efficiently. The data that you stand to gain with the ad intelligence services should prove to be quite impressive in gaining access to a better competitive advantage. 

Go with the best options for the strategies, tactics, and capabilities and put them to the best use. Picking the right ad intelligence service and software should be what would make it a great choice in every sense of the word. The ad intelligence can go a long way in maximizing your ad impact more effectively.

About the author

Timmappa Kamat

Timmappa Kamat is interested in technology and allied subjects and loves sharing the knowledge through the tech-savvy websites as a freelancer. He has been involved in providing content for a host of technology-based sites on day to day topics in the tech arena. Fond of gadgets and gizmos, he loves working with different apps, tools and software and sharing the knowledge with the world at large.

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